Photographers for Israel Submission Form
If you are a professional or fine art photographer and would like to submit your work to be considered for the Photographers for Israel sale please fill in this form.
E-Mail-Adresse *
Full Name *
Short bio *
Website *
Instagram user name *
Please add a dropbox or WeTransfer link with 2 to 4 images of your work to be considered for the Photographers for Israel sale.

Images should be at least 15 inches long on the longest side (or 10 inches if the image is in square format) at 300 dpi, sRGB color space.
For every image you submit please include, name of the image, year, and if it is part of a series, the name of the series. *
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Dieses Formular wurde bei Niv Shimshon Photography erstellt. Missbrauch melden