Parent/Carer Volunteers
Canteen Volunteer - St John's needs 2 volunteers every day to assist with the running of the canteen. If you are able to help in the canteen your assistance would be much appreciated. You can volunteer as often as you are able, which may be once a term or once a week.
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I can assist in the school canteen. 
If you are able to volunteer in the canteen please complete your preferred days and how often you are able to assist in the following 2 questions.
All help is much appreciated.
I can assist on the following days
How often can you volunteer in the canteen each term?
If answered other in the above question please specify your availability. 
School Volunteer - There are many ways parents can be involved in the community of St John the Evangelist Catholic High School. Parents are made welcome at school events and are encouraged to take an active role within the school.  
Can you assist with any of the following?    
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