HEAring Aid Study Group
The goal of establishing the Study Group would be to stimulate research collaboration, help each other out, make best use of the expertise of the people around us, expand our knowledge and skills, and to establish best practices. All of this aims to make our hearing-aid research more solid and grounded in the “real world”.

This form serves to sign up in the auditory HEAring Aid Study Group of the Hearing Systems Section (DTU).

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Name *
How familiar are you with hearing aids in general? *
I have no idea
Experience with real hearing aids
Interests *
Highly interested
Really interested
Somehow interested
Slightly interested
Not interested
Hearing loss
Hearing loss diagnostics
Hearing aids
Hearing aid fitting
Advanced features (Noise reduction, Beamformers)
Digital signal processing
Earmoulds and acoustic response
Real-ear measurements
Hearing aid Subjective Evaluation
Ecologically Valid Assesement
Cochlear implants
Audio Quality
Speech intelligibility
Music and Hearing assistive devices
If you wanted to contribute to the group, what would you like to present (30min talk)?
Suggestions or comments
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