Side Hustle Spotlight Submission
Thank you for taking the time to share your side hustle. Please answer as many questions as you can (some may not apply to you). If I have any questions, I'll contact you via email. I'll also give you a heads-up before your spotlight goes live.
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Email *
Your first name *
Please share a little bit about you (optional, but appreciated!)
What do you do for your side hustle? *
How did you decide on this particular side hustle? *
How long have you been doing it? (or did you do it, if you no longer do) *
How many hours a day/week do you spend on it now?
How many hours a day/week did you spend on it in the beginning?
Is the money you earn worth the time you spend on it? Why or why not?
How long did it take to earn your first paycheck?
Were there any requirements or restrictions that might keep others from starting this side hustle?
Did you do any training or take any courses before you started?
Would you recommend that course(s) to others wanting to follow in your footsteps? Why or why not?
How do you bring in new clients/customers?
Were there any other costs associated with starting your side hustle?
What do you like best about what you do?
What’s your least favorite part?
Would you recommend this side hustle to others? Why or why not?
How has your side hustle helped you achieve your travel goals? *
Any tips or words of encouragement to share with my readers?
Please include your website or social media account that I can link to if you'd like my readers to stop by.
Are you comfortable answering questions left in the comment section by my readers?
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Do you have any pictures of your side hustle that you'd like me to include? These pictures may be used for promotional purposes (ie, in images shared on social media), so only pictures you own the rights to can be included. If you mark "yes" I will contact you to get those photos.
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Thank you for taking the time to answer all the questions!
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