Teachers' Feedback on Curriculum 
Bhonsala Miilitary College aims at the overall development of the student to become entrepreneurs , professionals, army personnel and responsible Citizens in the respective disciplines. This form has been designed to get feedback from teacher to strengthen the quality teaching-learning environment in the college, to design and to review the curriculum of the college. The information provided by you will be kept confidential.
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Email *
Name of the Teacher *
Gender *
Age  *
Mobile Number
Department *

Academic Year for which feedback is being submitted

Syllabus is suitable to the course
Curriculum is need based.
Well defined objectives of the syllabus.
Course content is followed by corresponding reference materials.
The courses / syllabus taught by me have a good balance between theory and application.
Need of review of syllabus.
The course / syllabus of the subjects taught by me increased my interest, knowledge and perspective in the subject area.
The course / programme of studies carries sufficient number of optional papers.
Curriculum enhanced employability.

Suggestions *
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