2024 Brockville Winter Classic Draw
Welcome back to our 2024 Winter Classic Draw in partnership with the Brockville Kinsmen.

Our Draw date will be Dec 26th, 12:00pm at the Keystorm Pub
Tickets: 2000 total tickets available
Cost: $25 per ticket or 5 for $100
How: Complete the google form below and send money to brockvillewinterclassic@gmail.com
Age: Must be age 18 in order to participate

Grand Prize:

·       Trip for 2 to Las Vegas, to see a Vegas Golden Knights hockey game, His & Hers Golden Knights Jersey and $1,000 cash. Flight donated by Jeff Wiwchar of the JAK Group with Dr. Jennifer Evans donating the Hockey Tickets. Accommodations not included. Total Prize Value $4,000

Second Grand Prize:

·       $2,500 Cash

Consolation Prizes:

·       $500 Cash

·       $500 Cash

·       $250 Cash

·       $500 Gift Certificate to Nordic Spa

·       1 Night Stay in the best available Suite at the Frontenac Club Kingston. Includes Gourmet breakfast for 2, as well as a welcome bottle of Wine and Charcuterie Board upon arrival. Valued at $750, donated by Frontenac Club Kingston

·       2 Tickets to see Canada vs the USA in Ottawa for the World Junior Championships on New Years Eve, Dec 31st, 2024. 200 Level seats in the Molson Fan Deck, valued at $600. Donated by Keystorm Pub

·       VIP for 2 for all Access to the Brockville Winter Classic Weekend Feb 14-17, 2025. Details to follow, valued at $500

Lottery License # M534365
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What is your first name *
What is your last name *
What is your email *
What is your phone number *
I can confirm that I am at least 18 years of age. If not age 18 you will not be eligible to win the prizes. *
How many tickets would you like to purchase? *
Once I complete this form I will send in the money via email transfer to brockvillewinterclassic@gmail.com
Once the completed form has been received along with the payment, a BWC member will fill out the ballots with your information on it and send you the photo of your tickets.
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