Hingham Girl Scout House Out of Town Reservations
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Email *
Troop # *
Town *
My troop is registered with my local Girl Scout Association (GSEMA in Massachusetts) *
Troop Level  *
Leader Name *
Leader Email *
Leader Cell Phone # *
Co-Leader Name
Co-Leader Email
Co-Leader Cell Phone #
Date(s)/Time(s) for Usage *
# of Scouts/Adults
Do you plan to use the fireplace? *
By submitting this form I agree to treat the property as a place of my own, which means taking responsibility for keeping it clean too. Adults should leave enough time at the end of each meeting to have scouts complete the necessary tasks posted throughout the building including cleaning the bathroom, the kitchen, sweeping, vacuuming, and washing floors. Scouts should leave the house cleaner than they found it. *
All trash will be removed from the building *
Special notes to the House Coordinator (if any)
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