Sentence Structure
Proper sentence structure allows ideas to be communicated effectively. Without this skill, your written communications, including your assignments, will not deliver a clear message. A poorly written sentence can obscure the main ideas that are presented. It can be very difficult for the reader to follow the author’s logic and it may lead to confusion and even misinterpretation.

Knowing how to construct sentences properly will be valuable as you approach your writing. It will allow you to communicate your ideas in a clear and comprehensive way and let you showcase your knowledge.

Come and join the Skills Centre tutors for this session on sentence structure. Following the session, you will be able to diagnose areas within your writing that you need to work on to improve your sentence construction. Make sure that you also check out additional sessions in the writing skills suite.

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*CACSSS is College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Science *SEFS is Science, Engineering & Food Science  *M&H is Medicine & Health  *B&L is Business & Law *ACE is Adult Continuing Education
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