Ειδικά σχεδιασμένο test Αγγλικών για ενήλικες σπουδαστές διαβαθμισμένης δυσκολίας.
Αφορά στους σπουδαστές που θέλουν να μάθουν με ακρίβεια το επίπεδο Αγγλικών τους έτσι ώστε να γίνουν
δεκτοί στα τμήματα LOWER FAST TRACK ΤΟΥ ΚΕΝΤΡΟΥ μας και να πάρουν το χαρτί στο χέρι τους σε
χρόνο ρεκόρ!

Οι υποψήφιοι σπουδαστές δεν έχουν παρά να συμπληρώσουν το lower placement test και με ένα score
πάνω από 65% να εγγραφούν στα τμήματά μας και να κάνουν δική τους την πιστοποίηση σε 2 μήνες!
Με την υποβολή των απαντήσεων το test εξετάζεται από τους καθηγητές μας , ακολουθεί ενημέρωση του
σπουδαστή για το τελικό score ,προτάσεις ,καθώς και η ενδεδειγμένη στρατηγική που πρέπει να ακολουθήσει ο υποψήφιος για να πετύχει τον στόχο του.


Τo Test είναι διαβαθμισμένης δυσκολίας άρα υπάρχουν ερωτήσεις εύκολες και πιο δύσκολες.

Μην το προσπαθήσετε κουρασμένοι ή με πίεση χρόνου.

Δεν είναι απαραίτητη η επανάληψη πριν το test. Στόχος μας είναι να διακρίνουμε το επίπεδο γνώσης τη δεδομένη στιγμή.

Σίγουρα θα δώσετε απαντήσεις βασιζόμενοι στις γνώσεις σας αλλά και την γενικότερη αντίληψη πού έχετε για την γλώσσα.

Αν το score σας είναι κάτω από το 65% μην απογοητεύεστε. Θα δημιουργήσουμε μαζί την ιδανική στρατηγική για να πετύχουμε τους στόχους μας το συντομότερο δυνατό!
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1.    I …………………… twenty years old. *
2.        …………………… to fix your bike yourself when you were a child? *
3.      He has the same car …...................... his sister. *
4.      The …………………… of that film is simple but exciting. *
5.      Tom is married to Helen. She is his …………………… *
6.      …………………… living in London? *
7.  Michael is determined to become president of the company. He’s so …………………… *
8.     My parents are out. So I have to …...................... my baby brother. *
9.     George is …………………… husband. *
10.     We bought the house after we …………………… for years. *
11.     They …………………… golf. *
12.     It is just a ...................... to the centre of town. *
13.     - Are you German? *
14.    The laptop is …………………… to the case. *
15.    - Do you mind if I switch the television on?  -…………………… *
16.    I am …………………… of myself and others. *
17.    You can learn a lot about people by …………………… them. *
18.    You seem worried. There …………………… something wrong. *
19.    We grew up in a quiet …………………… not far from the city center. *
20.   “Your hair looks nice.” “Thanks. I've just …...................... the hairdresser's.” *
21.   He goes swimming every day. He is very …………………… *
22.   We can’t move in our new house …………………… they finish painting. *
23.   He is …………………… university teacher. *
24.   Most doctors think that smoking is …...................... for your health. *
25.   I don’t think you ...................... them. *
26.  We are very …………………… to be here! *
27.  My mum bought a(n) …………………… clock at the bazaar yesterday. *
28.  Scotland has very few hours of …………………… in the winter. *
29.  It …………………… to snow when we left the hotel. *
30.  He works hard for his money and he doesn’t …………………… with it easily. *
31.  Jenny always …………………… toast for breakfast. *
32.  We saw the ship …………………… in the distance. *
33.  –Do you speak English?  - …………………… *
34.  – How’s your English?   - Well, I …………………… it for two years now. *
35.  It won’t …………………… any good trying to fix that chair. It has to bethrown away. *
36.  Mike wouldn’t have had an accident yesterday if he …………………… *
37.  -What’s your …………………… name?  -It’s Maria. *
38.  I felt …………………… when I met my old friend after so many years. *
39.  I am very ...................... in old cars. *
40.  I always thought that Sandra was …………………… than you. *
41.  They are talking …………………… the football match. *
42.  The …………………… time is at 18:25. *
43.  - …………………… to speak to me? *
44.  The movie theater is …………………… the corner of the street. *
45.  The government …………………… refused to make a comment. *
46.  Ann was nicer …………………… I expected her to be. *
47.  What do you do…………………… the evening? *
48.  The restaurant is very busy. You should book a table in …………………… *
49.  Please tell me how much …………………… *
50.  The …………………… here include a gym and a swimming pool. *
51.  If you got up earlier, you …………………… late for school so often. *
52.  They didn’t …………………… how dangerous it was. *
53.  The kids have their teeth …………………… twice a year. *
54.  -…………………… is that café?  -It’s next to the park *
55.  This is the house where I …………………… *
56.  Tom hopes he’ll be given a(n) …………………… rise this year. *
57.  Please …………………… careful! *
58.  …………………… he is rich, he can’t afford to buy this villa. *
59.  The explorer made a(n) …………………… to the South Pole. *
60.  – Did you talk to Paul?   - Yes, he wanted to know when …………………… *
61.  Don’t get me …………………… I like Japanese food but this restaurantis awful. *
62.  The manager accused …………………… money from the company. *
63.  If you need any help, you can …………………… me. *
64.  I wish I …………………… come for dinner with you but I am pretty busy. *
65.  He regularly swims in a …………………… *
66.  …………………… phone is this? *
67.  Don’t let the camera get wet, ……………………? *
68.  Mrs Morris may be a little …………………… but we like her. *
69.  It’s best to avoid …………………… at the weekend. Shops are too crowded *
70.  Clara’s parents are …………………… about her health. *
71.  If you go to the greengrocer’s, …………………… to buy some oranges. *
72.  Do you often …………………… TV in the evenings? *
73.  …………………… a lot of food. *
74.   It was …………………… on Sunday that we went on a picnic. *
75.   I don’t live in a house, I live in a(n) …………………… *
76.   Production was stopped because the equipment was not ……………………properly. *
77.   What ……………………? *
78.   The …………………… for New York leaves in an hour. *
79.   Alice hates …………………… *
80.   John told me he would be …...................... minutes late. *
81.   The Canadian government …...................... cigarette manufacturers to print warnings on their packets *
82.   Your …………………… complaints are driving me crazy! *
83.   …………………… do you have breakfast so early? *
84.   Woodstock is not very far from Oxford so you can visit…...................... in a day. *
85.   –Let’s go! I’m tired of waiting for the doctor!   -No, we’ve been waiting …………………… long to leave now! *
86.   If you don’t drive carefully, you …………………… the risk of causing an accident. *
87.   Cigarette smoke causes oral cancer, gum diseases and tooth …...................... . *
88.   Would you like …………………… you with that suitcase? *
89.   –What time is it?  -It’s five …………………… *
90.   A lot of ..........................  came to Ireland in the 1990s. *
91.   There was a nice meal and a band at the wedding ...................... *
92.   I mostly ...................... my friends via email. *
93.   Bob has had a very interesting ___ . He has had jobs in many countries and industries. *
94.   She’s very successful. Her ...................... has risen a lot in the past few years. *
95.   ...................... do you have dinner? *
96.   He ...................... to go home. *
97.   Is anyone …………………… to help me clean the house today? *
98.  ...................... people from Poland went to Scotland in the 20th century. *
99.   There are ...................... French speakers in Montreal. *
100.   Be careful! That medicine can …………………… sleepy. *
Ονοματεπώνυμο *
Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας *
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