NSF Prescribed Burn Project Participant Enrollment Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in our research! As one component of a multi-year, National Science Foundation (NSF) funded interdisciplinary study on prescribed burning decisions and impacts in Colorado, we are seeking residents and households nearby to planned prescribed burning sites to assess their experiences and perceptions related to these events. 

In brief, your participation would include:
- Allowing the research team to place devices that monitor air quality inside and outside of your home for the duration of the prescribed burn (typically less than a week, but varies depending on the burn and could be longer)
- Completing pre- and post-prescribed burn surveys that include general demographic and health questions in addition to questions about home characteristics, perceived risks, past experiences with prescribed burning and wildfire, and personal opinions (2 total surveys- one pre-burn and one post-burn)
- Completing daily logs reporting associated health symptoms, behaviors, and perceptions for the duration of the prescribed burn
- Following research team guidance to use non-invasive spirometry (lung function measurement) techniques to assess your lung function at home visits before, during and after the burn (2-3 total visits over the duration of the burn)

More information and descriptions of each of these activities can be found here.

Please answer the questions below to be added to our list of interested participants. All of the information submitted in this form will remain confidential to our research team and wiIl only be used to determine if you are a good match for our study. If you meet the criteria for participation AND a prescribed burning activity moves forward in your area that is feasible for our research team to study, we will contact you to formally enroll.
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Please enter your full name (first & last). *
Please enter your email address. *
Please enter your mobile phone number. *
What is your preferred contact method? Select all that apply. *
Some of our surveys are best completed on a computer. Do you have easy access to a computer? *
Please enter the name of the city/town/unincorporated area you live in. *
Please enter the name of the neighborhood or subdivision you live in (if applicable).
Please enter your home address. *
How many adults live in your household? *
If more than one adult lives in your household, would all adults in your household be willing to participate in all components of this study? *
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