Hypnotic Communication Master Class
These Thoughts if not controlled then becomes feelings/emotions
In this workshop/master class let's play with words to influence
thoughts and control feelings/emotions.
We will share our experience and understanding of Conversational Hypnosis, NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) and Covert Hypnotic Language Patterns
Let's get straight to the point!
This premium workshop will be more of a discussion,
Focused on learnings and approaches that we've used/been using for 
* Therapy
* Consultations
* Coaching
* Sales
* Closing deals
* Relationships etc.
How is this course different from the others we have conducted ?
 💡We have structured this workshop to be more application based - specific approaches and view points from 3 different specialists in the field. Each sharing their own viewpoints, approaches and applications.  

"Tell me something i'll forget it, show me something and I will remember it, involve me and I will understand"
 *** PLUS we will be having a longer Q&A session to cater personal scenarios / role plays and questions.
Here's a list of things that we're passionate about sharing within this masterclass
✔️Words that would control people
✔️How to say things subtly and still create impact
✔️Sneak strong suggestions without resistance
✔️How to ask / What to ask so people agree with you
✔️Skillfully setup strong suggestions
✔️Directing attention for better results
✔️How to say things smoothly so you are heard fully
✔️Using hypnotic language to clearly deliver your message
✔️More secrets you'd get to find out inside the program
For a detailed outline, we'll update those who are registered when we've finalized it
we’d love to give you a personal call to better support your eagerness to learn.
Be more engaging!
Communicate Better!
👍Hypnotic WORDS!
👍 Hypnotic PHRASES
👍 Hypnotic SCRIPTS!
for Therapy, Sales and Marketing
Let's have fun learning and apply!

BONUS: Join NOW and get
✨Top 100 Hypnotic Words with Tagalog Translation
✨3 Hour Focus Group Q&A Session
✨Added to a private group for continuous learning
✨And a P5,000 discount for the upcoming NLP Practitioner Certification Program that will be run on March 2022
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