APL Book Match Request Form
Please fill out as much of this form as you wish, keeping in mind the kinds of titles you are in the mood to read or listen to. The more information you provide the easier it will be for us to suggest titles you will enjoy. We will select 2-3 books that meet your criteria, and put them on hold for you, for pickup at the circulation desk.
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Name and/or Library Card Number: *
What format would you prefer? *
Which types of books are you interested in? *
Genre *
Which type of characters do you enjoy reading?
What would you like the tone/mood/atmosphere of the book to be?
Looking for nonfiction? Please list your interests here:
Which books/series have you read recently that you enjoyed?
Which books/series have you read recently that you DID NOT enjoy?
Do you have a favorite author or series?
Please add any other information you think may be helpful:
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