Online Open Studio — Planning Considerations
Contribute your insights & preferences in the development of a new virtual open studio!
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Are you interested in attending online community events? *
What are 1-3 things that you think makes a successful online community event?
Your Experience with IA's Open Studio
How many times have you attended the in-person Open Studio @ InterAccess? *
Why do you attend or want to attend IA's regular, in-person Open Studio? *
Check all that apply.
Are you a current IA member? *
Select any barriers to online participation that apply to you.
Please describe or list any helpful accessibility aids that might help you better experience an online community event (i.e. captions).
Software/Platforms of Interest
Do you prefer or recommend any online video call/chat platforms for community events? (select all that apply, and/or list other) *
Community Event Structure/Ideas
Would you be interested in themed virtual Open Studios? *
If yes or maybe, please list the themes you would be interested in.
Do you prefer Open Studios/community events with some structure? *
Which of these Open Studio formats interest you? Check all that apply or contribute your own idea in "Other"
Have more thoughts? Let us know here!
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