Inner Sanctuary Retreat  

🌸 Hello, beautiful goddess! 🌸

I’m thrilled to share that The Inner Sanctuary Retreat is open by application only. This ensures we can create the most aligned and supportive experience for everyone involved. 💖

When you fill out the application, please answer the questions as truthfully as you can. Your responses will help determine if this retreat is the perfect space for your journey. If it’s not the ideal fit, I’ll lovingly recommend a more suitable offering or connect you with a fellow coach who can better support your path.

You can expect a thoughtful reply from me within 24-48 hours after receiving your application (weekdays, during business hours).

Thank you so much for taking this step toward your transformation! I’m so honored to connect with you. ✨

With heartfelt love,

Cami Luminous

Email *
Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Where are you located at? (Your home state is good) *
How did you come across the Inner Sanctuary Retreat? *
What peeked your interest about the Inner Sanctuary Retreat? *
What most excites you about the Inner Sanctuary Retreat? *
How do you envision yourself coming out of this experience? *
The Inner Sanctuary Retreat value covers 3 days/2 nights lodging at a spectacular private location wherever Spirit guides us to do the work at. With that, travel might be involved. Are you ok with paying for travel if needed? *
Are you willing to invest $2333 in yourself, by putting down ONLY a $555 non-refundable down payment AS SOON AS YOUR APPLICATION IS APPROVED? We will decide on the best payment plan for you on a phone call :)
All balances must be paid at the latest, one month prior to your chosen retreat date.
Check any that apply, no answer is wrong :) *
Would you like to subscribe to the Luminous Newsletter for first dibs on events, promos and other fun stuff, plus informational content on self healing and self empowerment?  *
How long have you been on the Spiritual path? No wrong answers here! :) *

This is a step towards reclaiming your Inner Sanctuary <3

I will get back to you ASAP! Please allow 24-48 biz day hours for me to get back to you.

Sending you all the dancing happy vibes!
With heartfelt love,

Cami Luminous
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