Trans Healthcare Survey
The Center Project is working on a list of healthcare providers who are friendly, knowledgeable, and provide excellent care to the transgender, non-binary, and gender non-conforming communities. We would love your input to create a public, community-driven list of healthcare providers to include on The Center Project’s website. Your recommendations could be really helpful for others in the community!

If you participate in this survey, it should only take a few minutes!

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Are you transgender, non-binary, or gender non-conforming OR The caregiver of a youth who is transgender, non-binary, or gender non-conforming? *
Have you or your young person had a positive, helpful experience with local healthcare providers who you would recommend to other transgender, non-binary, or gender non-conforming people? (If yes, you'll provide that information in the following sections). *
The Center Project also plans to expand the resource section of our website. What resources would you like to see highlighted on your community’s website? These could be local resources, information/education for community members and/or allies, etc.
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