c3powersportsUSA.com glitch report
Thanks for expressing interest in C3 products!

You were shopping on c3powersportsUSA.com but something was wrong with the website? Let us know!

  • NOTE: Missing products and/or colour options are probably not a mistake. Due to warehousing constraints, c3powersportsusa.com intentionally does not have the same "full catalogue" as the main website
  • NOTE: This is not a customer service contact form. If you have other questions, for instance about your order or about our products, please email info@c3powersports.com

Sorry for any inconvenience and thanks for your understanding! We do appreciate the feedback
Name *
Email *
(If you're ok with our website guy following up with you. If you don't want to be contacted, you can type NA)
Webpage you on c3powersportsUSA.com that you think is malfunctioning *
Please paste the URL. Example "https://c3powersportsusa.com/products/bar-risers"
Description of the glitch/problem you noticed
Please be as specific as possible. Please check if the glitch is reproducible
  • Good example "I selected Tall risers for my 2021 CRF450R and I added Rubber Kills, but the Rubber Kills did not appear in my cart"  ✅
  • BAD example "this page doesn't work" ❌
  • Good example "I selected Tall risers for my 2021 CRF450R and I added Rubber Kills. The webpage showed $111.55 USD total cost, but once I added to cart, the cost for the Rubber Kills was $401.18"  ✅
  • BAD example "it charged me too much"  ❌
  • Good example "The "click here to learn more in a new tab" for Rubber Kills takes me to the c3powersports.com page instead of the c3powersportsusa.com page"  ✅
  • BAD example "the link was broken"  ❌
What device / browser were you using? *
Example: "Safari on Macbook" or "Chrome on Samsung phone"
Anything else you want to share?
Thanks and have a great day
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