Ruby Jam 閃電講報名 Lightning Talk Submissions
* 時間彈性,5-15 分鐘皆可
* 另有 5 分鐘提問時間
* 可事前報名、也可當場報名

* The timing is flexible. The talk can be between 5-15 minutes
* Includes an additional 5-minute Q&A session
* You can sign up in advance or on the spot
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
該如何稱呼您?What should we call you? *
要從哪裡聯絡你呢?How can we contact you?(Email?Discord Account?) *
您想報名的主題?What topic would you like to talk about? *
例如「淺談 xxxx 技術」、「第一次 xxxx 就上手」
For example, "Introduction to xxxx Technology" or "Getting Started with xxxx."
關於這個主題有什麼內容大綱想讓我們知道呢?Is there an outline or key points about the topic that you'd like to share with us?
We will use the outline that you provided to promote your lightning talk in the social media!
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