Fall Extra-Curricular Registration: Soccer
Dates: Week of October 16 - December 12, 2024 (Note: no class on 10/17, 11/07, 11/28)
Days: Thursdays  (Grades 1-5)  
Time: 3:50pm - 5:00 pm
Cost: $72 (full pay); $36 ("reduced"); $18 ("free") 
Bring: Appropriate clothing (practice will be outside weather permitting), A water bottle, and A snack for after school.
Capacity:  21 

**Note that families are responsible for paying the designated amount via Brightwheel by the deadline or their spot may be released to another student in the case of a waitlist. Reduced rates are based on completing the MN Educational Benefits form that should be on file at ISLA. (This can be found on the ISLA website under the Current Families tab and then the Lunch Ordering tab.  Scroll down to 2024-2025 Application for Educational Benefits)

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What is your child's full name?
What grade is your child in?
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Parent(s) Names and Phone Number(s)
Emergency Contact Name(s) and Phone Number(s)
Does your child have any concerns (health, behavior, learning, etc.) that program facilitators should be aware of?
I understand that by signing up, I am committing to the full session and payment must be received in order for my child to participate. I have read and agree to the terms outlined in the Musical Theater family notes, and I understand that theater shows may explore sensitive topics in an age-appropriate manner. 

All information noted above will be shared with program facilitators.  I will follow ISLA guidelines, including appropriate pick-up time. Refunds will not be issued after the start of the session.
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