2023 Japantown Cultural District Cultural History Housing Economic Sustainability Strategy Report Comment Submission 
Welcome!  We finally did it!  The Japantown Cultural District Cultural History, Housing, Economic, Sustainability Report is in the final phases of review before being presented to the SF Board of Supervisors for adoption.  This process which began with extensive community input began in 2019.  After four years, we're happy to release this draft to the community for input. 

'The Cultural Districts Program provides a platform for communities and the City to collaborate on developing strategic priorities for place-keeping and place-making. Managed by the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development in partnership with the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, Planning Department, and Arts Commission, the program – and this co-written CHHESS report – signal a partnership between the City and historically oppressed groups to achieve a shared and feasible vision for preserving distinct cultural assets.' ~ Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD), the managing department of the Cultural District Program.

This three-year strategy report is a culmination of input from you, the Japantown Community which began in 2019.  This report is an ever-evolving living document and will be reviewed and updated as needed as the world and priorities change. As the world came to a halt during the Covid-19 Pandemic, the progress of this report slowed as many of the City departments and the Japantown Cultural District navigated as best we could to get this report completed. Japantown Cultural District and MOHCD will continue to work together to adjust the strategies as needed. We want to thank you the community and the many authors, organizations, MOHCD and JTF/Cultural District staff who made this possible. 

Here we are!  We'd love your feedback no later than Friday, February 24. 
Contact: Cultural District Program Manager Susie Kagami, skagami@japantowntaskforce.org.

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First Name (optional)
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What are the top strategies that resonate as priorities for you? *
Are there additional strategies/improvements you would like to include in future versions of this report? *
Are there any additional thoughts you'd like to share?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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