Scholarships for NC State University CASE Food Safety and Science Institute
NC State University provides full scholarships to NC middle and high school teachers interested in incorporating and teaching food science.  Scholarships will be based on intent to teach food science. The scholarship includes registration for CASE, lodging, and meal allowance.  The application will close on April 15th.  Notification of award will be made April 15th or earlier.  
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Email *
First and last name *
Second method of contact - phone number or secondary email address *
How many years have you been teaching? *
What is the name of the high school where you teach? *
What NC county is your high school located? *
Please list the classes you are currently teaching. *
Are you planning on integrating food science concepts into classes that you currently teach? *
On a scale of 1 to 5, rate your desire to begin teaching a food science and technology class at your school? *
Not very likely
Very likely
How would you like to integrate food science and safety concepts into a course you currently teach?  Be sure to include the class name. *
Please share why you are interested in participating in this professional development opportunity in the area of food science.   *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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