Life & Work Beyond The Default Path
I'm in the early stages of crowd-sourcing ideas for an online course directed at helping people manage the transition to a life off the default path - whether it be full-time, part-time or freelancing.
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What is your current work situation?
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What is your desired role (next 0-5 years) *
Please rank the following issues *
Not A Challenge
Slight Challenge
Top Concern
My Biggest Fear
Lowering cost of living
Leaving my current job or career
Shifting my mindset
Finding things to work on
Creating & Publishing in public
Financial insecurity
Taking a leave / sabbatical from work
Starting a side hustle
Expectations of others
Your self-limiting beliefs
Not knowing why I want to leave my job
How to experiment without going "all-in"
Better options for full-time work?
Finding friends and/or community living a different way
Freelancing Platforms
Freelance Basics (pitching, pricing, doing work)
Learning & Developing Skills
Which of these names for a course might be something you wouldn't be afraid to tell your friends you took?
feedback welcome below
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Any other thoughts?
What options for such a course sound most appealing?
Just throwing some options out here - not sure what I'll end up doing yet...feel free to propose another option too!
Do You Want To Be Notified As Course Progresses / Launches?
I'll likely send a discount to anyone helping with feedback!
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