Exhibitor Registration Form 2023: STEM Career Day

10th Annual Ignite Opportunity STEM Career Day

  • Friday November 17, 2023
  • Shasta District Fair and Event Center in Anderson CA
  • 7:45 am - 3:00 pm
  • No charge for participation, but sponsorships are welcome!
  • Lunch is provided!

For the event, over 1,000 9th grade students from 9 North State Counties come to learn about careers in STEM. They will go from booth to booth according to their interests. We encourage the exhibitors to consider bringing hands-on, highly engaging activities and materials. Watch this video about last year’s event to learn more about STEM Career Day.

In addition to our in-person event, we also have a website where students can learn about potential careers in the North State with pages dedicated to each of our exhibitors.

Deadline to register: November 1o, 2023 (any registrations after this date will not be accepted.
Company Name *
County *
Website URL
Primary Contact Person's Name *
Primary Contact Person's Email Address *
Primary Contact Person's Cell Number.
Alternate Person's Name *
Alternate Person's Email Address *
Brief description of what your company does  *
Please indicate the Industry Sector for your organization: *
Choose all that apply
Are you interested in providing promotional items (swag) for 1400 students? *
In addition to our in-person event, is your organization interested in having a virtual exhibitor booth? *
All exhibitors are invited to contribute to our virtual event website with things like a video, handouts and brochures, pictures, your website link, or other relevant items determined by you.
How many lunches will your booth need? Lunch is provided to all exhibitors as a thank you for your participation. If you have any dietary restrictions, we recommend bringing your own meal. *
What booth size does your organization need?
1-Single: 10x10 booth with 1 table & 2 chairs
2-Double: 10x20 booth with 2 tables & 4 chairs
3-Triple: 10x30 booth with 3 tables & 6 chairs
Other: Please specify any additional needs your booth has below.
If you answered "other" above for booth size, please provide details here. Example include a larger booth size than listed above, if you need to be outside, or if you have a preference for your booth location based on your equipment. *
Will you be bringing oversized equipment or a vehicle? *
If you answered "Yes" above please add a description of the equipment or vehicle. *
Will you need an electrical outlet? You must provide your own industrial UL-approved extension cord. *
Please describe any other details that would be helpful below. *
More detailed information will be sent out prior to the event. Please contact Rosemary Mitchell with any questions rmitchell@shastacoe.org. We are looking forward to seeing you in November!
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