2020 Songwriter's Beat/ASCAP Stripped-Down Songwriting on Zoom
Workshop Details: Two Saturdays: September 26 and November 14, with Alex Forbes and Valerie Ghent. Both workshops are hosted on Zoom from 1pm - 4pm with a short break. Hosted by Valerie Ghent & Songwriter's Beat with support from The ASCAP Foundation. 16 participants max.  

Confirm Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Include area code
Performing Rights Membership *
Are you a member of ASCAP, BMI, SESAC or unaffiliated?
Choose Workshop Date (choose one of the below) *
Songwriting Experience: *
Please describe your songwriting experience *
More about your work as a songwriter:
If you've released albums, written for other artists, placed songs with a publisher - please tell us more about your work!
Do you play any musical instruments?
What do you hope to learn in this workshop? *
Please share your goals, if any, for this particular workshop.
This workshop is FREE for ASCAP members. Non-ASCAP members $20 *
Please select payment method
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