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2020 Songwriter's Beat/ASCAP Stripped-Down Songwriting on Zoom
Workshop Details: Two Saturdays: September 26 and November 14, with Alex Forbes and Valerie Ghent. Both workshops are hosted on Zoom from 1pm - 4pm with a short break. Hosted by Valerie Ghent & Songwriter's Beat with support from The ASCAP Foundation. 16 participants max.
* Indicates required question
Confirm Email
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First Name
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Last Name
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Phone Number
Include area code
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Performing Rights Membership
Are you a member of ASCAP, BMI, SESAC or unaffiliated?
Choose Workshop Date (choose one of the below)
September 26, 2020 1-4pm
November 14, 2020 1-4pm
Songwriting Experience:
I have released at least one album of my songs and/or placed songs with other artists
I have already taken at least one songwriting workshop with Alex & Valerie
Please describe your songwriting experience
Committed Beginnner - am just getting started writing songs
Intermediate - I have written a decent number songs and want to write more!
Advanced - I have written lots of songs!
Pro - I have released at least one CD of my songs and/or placed songs with other artists
More about your work as a songwriter:
If you've released albums, written for other artists, placed songs with a publisher - please tell us more about your work!
Your answer
Do you play any musical instruments?
Your answer
What do you hope to learn in this workshop?
Please share your goals, if any, for this particular workshop.
Your answer
This workshop is FREE for ASCAP members. Non-ASCAP members $20
Please select payment method
I'm with ASCAP - no need to pay
I'm not w/ ASCAP and will pay via Venmo
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