Vendor Interest Form
This form is used to gather potential vendor information to our database for future events. Please fill it out honestly and we will contact you if you'd be a good fit for our events.
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Vendor Name:
Email address:
Instagram or Facebook:
What are your products or services?
Are you willing to travel to vend in Houston, TX?
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What is your average price range for your products and/or services?
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How do you operate?
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Do you have any special requirements in order to operate?
If you are a food/drink vendor selling non-packaged food, do you have your necessary permits, licenses (food handlers, liquor, etc.)
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If you are a selling packaged food, does it have nutritional information and ingredients listed on the package?
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There is a vendor fee for each event. This must be paid no late than 4-weeks prior to the event or you will forfeit your spot. 
Do you agree?
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This is a place for business, not drama. 
Any disagreements between vendors must be handled in a businesslike manner between each other.
Any disagreements that disrupt the event or other vendors shall be cause of removal from the event without refund of your vendor fee and ban from future events. 
Do you agree?
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