Online Ready Application Form
Online Ready is a fully online, asynchronous, 6 week, three-module professional development experience that will train you to design targeted online learning products and resources that are tailored to learner needs and students' diverse backgrounds. There are fifteen spots available for Online Ready Cohort One, beginning this summer. Applications will be accepted until January 1, 2022. Before applying, please review the program activities below so that you understand what you are committing to if your application is selected:

1. Complete the Online Ready 6 Week professional development experience during the months of June and July, 2022. This will be hosted online by the University of South Carolina.

2. Use the products and resources you develop at Online Ready during the following school year, 2022-2023.

3. Submit feedback to the Online Ready team about your experiences in the training, and in using the products you developed by May 2023.

Link to the Online Ready Website:
1. What is your first and last name? *
2. What is your work email? *
3. What is your personal email? *
4. What is a good phone number where you can be reached outside of school hours? *
5. What is your home mailing address? *
6. Are you currently employed as a school librarian? *
7. Please select the academic and teacher certification credentials that apply to you: *
8. Years of experience as a school librarian: *
9. Name of the school where you work: *
10. Mailing address of the school where you work: *
11. Your school is: *
12. Grades taught at your school campus (check all that apply): *
13. Approximately how many students attend your school? *
14. Is your school's community mainly urban, suburban, or rural? *
15. Describe the socioeconomic and demographic make up of your school: *
16. What online learning challenges do your students face (ex: access, resources, design)? *
17. What does culturally relevant pedagogy mean to you? *
18. What is one thing you learned about pedagogy during the pandemic? *
19. Why are you interested in participating in the Online Ready Program? *
20. What relevant experiences, practices, or interests of yours relate to supporting K-12 Online Learning? *
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