ACFI THEME Verse Suggestion For the upcoming year (2023).

Dear ACFI family


We kindly request you to send in the ACFI THEME Verse suggestion for the upcoming year (2023).


We have several families, that are new and may not be familiar with our annual theme versus selection process, here is a quick summary of how the theme verse selection process works. 

1. You will suggest a theme verse that you would like to be our church’s theme verse for the year 2022. This can be your personal/family favorite verse or something that God lays on your heart for this upcoming year. 

2. Send in your suggestion by using the below Google form before midnight of Dec 25th, 2021.  

3. By compiling your suggestions, an online poll will be set up and the link to vote will be shared on Dec 26th. 

4. You will be able to vote for the theme verse between Dec 26th and Dec 30th midnight. 

5. The verse with the maximum votes will become the 2023 ACFI theme verse which will be announced during the Dec 31st Watchnight service.  


Requirements to follow when sending your theme verse suggestion. 

Our themes are Biblically based, and so your suggestion MUST be accompanied by a Biblical verse/reference

Preference would be from the King James Version - check out the verse in if you don't have a KJV Bible).


You can see an example below. 

Theme Topic: Live Christ, Die Gain

Supporting Bible Verse: Philippians 1:21 - For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

FYI, this was our theme verse for year 2009.


Please respond by sending in the google form before December 25th.


If you have any questions, then please don’t hesitate to call.

May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ guide you as you participate. 


Thank you

Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Family Name (First & Last Name) *
Select a Date: Choose your area and preferred date for the caroling group visit. Select at least one date. If you are flexible, select two dates if available. (We will do our best to accommodate the request)
Skip if a date above is selected.

Alternate Date for Visit: If your availability is very limited, missed above, or did not match the above combination of area and visitation dates, enter your area and available date in a free format. (We will do our best to accommodate the request)
Time of Visit: Preferred is 'Any Time'. If specific times are preferred due to a reason, select 2 time slots below. (We will do our best to accommodate the request) *
Address *
Primary Contact - Phone Number *
Secondary Contact - Phone Number
Are you willing to provide dinner to the caroling group outside the 9:00 - 10:00 pm window. Carolers appreciate dinner as they can sing louder and stay through extended caroling time, if needed.
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