BIRCh Sign-Up to Receive Hospital to School Transition Protocol
Thank you for your interest in our Hospital to School Transition Protocol! We encourage you to view our online learning modules ( that will support your implementation of this protocol. Please complete the following demographics and provide your email address at the end of the form and we will share a blank BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol for your use.
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What is your role? *
What age group do you work with? (check all that apply) *
What other school-based behavioral health training topics are you interested in receiving training in?
Where do you typically seek out professional development opportunities? *
Please provide the zip code(s) where the school/district/organization you work is located. (If you are a graduate student, please report the zip code where you currently reside). *
What is your race? We recognize the reporting categories below do not provide a nuanced view of individuals’ identities. These categories are valuable for comparing information across sources with our partners in the City of Boston. *
Additional information you would like to provide about your identity.
How did you hear about this training opportunity? *
Please provide your email address below if you are interested in receiving the BIRCh Hospital to School Transition Protocol by email. The BIRCh Project staff will follow up with you by email to ask about your implementation of the protocol for the purpose of us making improvements to the protocol. We will also add your email to the BIRCh Project email list so you can receive updates. Thank you again for your interest! Please follow us on social media (Twitter: @BIRCh_project, Facebook: BIRCh : Behavioral Health Integrated Resources for Children Project). *
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