What Do You Do with an Idea?
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What Do You Do with an Idea?
Does the boy like the idea at first? (1) Yes. (2) No. (3) We don't know. *
What did the idea do when the boy walked away? (1) It walked away, too. (2) It talked to the boy. (3) It followed the boy. *
How did the boy feel after the idea was around him? (1) He felt better and happier. (2) He felt sadder. (3) He felt tired. *
What does the boy mean when he said “We became friends.”? (1) He likes the idea. (2) He hates the idea. (3) He lives with the idea. *
What does the phrase "giving up" means? (1) 擁有 (2) 放棄 (3) 想要 *
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“And it’s okay if it is different.” What does the boy want to say?  (1) The boy doesn’t care how others think about it. (2) The boy doesn’t know what he is doing. (3) The boy loves the way he acts to others. *
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What do the word “decide” mean? (1) 決定 (2) 用心 (3) 拒絕 *
My idea grew and grew. And ________ did my love for it. (1) too (2) neither (3) so *
What did the boy do for the idea? (1) Buy a toy (2) Build a house (3) Dance for the idea *
What happens to the idea after the boy accepts (接受) the idea? (1) It is everywhere. (2) It hides in a cave. (3) It runs around the boy. *
For the boy, he thinks that the sentence “What do you do with an idea?” means … (1) You make money. (2) You change the world. (3) You make friends. *
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