AwesomeConf CoC Violation Report
As stated in the Code of Conduct, AwesomeConf is "committed to providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, ethnicity, socioeconomic status and religion (or lack thereof)."

As part of that mission, community members may use this form to report Code of Conduct violations anonymously. Reports are visible to the moderation team.

Please note that NO ONE is above the Code of Conduct. Whether you have witnessed or experienced harassment by another attendee, a moderator, or an organiser, your report will be treated with the same respect and sense of urgency.

Women of React Code of Conduct:
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What is your name?
name (Slack username)
Who violated the Code of Conduct? *
name (Slack username)
Please describe the Code of Conduct violation. *
Optionally, please provide a link to any relevant screenshots.
Google Forms requires respondents to sign in when image upload is added to a form. Instead, we ask for a link in order to allow respondents to remain anonymous.
Please provide any additional notes or context.
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