Fundamentals of Teaching Adult Learners Credential Course (Part II) Scholarship Application - April 7, 2025 – June 15, 2025  
Please complete this form to apply to participate in the Fundamentals of Teaching Adult Learners Part II Credential Course (formerly known as the Standards-in-Action [SIA] Credential in Standards-Based Instruction Course), offered virtually via the NCTitle2 Moodle Platform from April 7, 2025 – June 15, 2025.   

***NOTE: The content in this credential course is the same content delivered in the NCCCS SIA Credential course. Your application will not be accepted if you've previously attended and completed the SIA Credential course.***

The Adult Learner Fundamentals Credential (Part II) is a ten-week online asynchronous course with scheduled assignments due every week. To successfully complete this credential course, the various strategies and techniques covered in the coursework will need to be tested and applied to real-life instructional contexts. Applicants must be active instructors in an Adult Ed program.

Applicants must commit to spending approximately three hours per week completing the required assignments. Applicants must also commit to beginning the course on April 7, 2025 and completing all required course assignments by the weekly due date. Applicants commit to completing the course by June 15, 2025.

Applicants must receive permission from their local Title II or CCR Director. Make sure you provide your local Title II/CCR Director's name and email address.  It's possible that this person is not your direct supervisor. It may be your supervisor's supervisor. If you aren't sure who your local Title II/CCR Director is, please ask your supervisor. 

Both you and your director will be notified of your acceptance via email on or before Wednesday April 2, 2025. Directors will be required to ensure that their instructor participant(s) complete the Adult Learner Fundamentals Credential (Part II) by June 8, 2025.

Applicants are required to submit an institutional (college or CBO) email address in the form below. 
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Name of the Applicant *
Institutional Email Address of Applicant *
I have spoken to my local Title II or CCR program director and have received permission to participate in the April 7, 2025 – June 15, 2025 Adult Learner Fundamentals Credential (Part II) Course. *
Name of College or CBO *
Name of Local Title II Program Director *
Local Title II Director's Institutional Email Address *
I understand that I am expected to complete at least three hours of coursework each week for the ten-week duration of the course.
I understand that the coursework will require access to an Adult Ed classroom and I acknowledge that I am an active instructor in an Adult Ed program.

I pledge to adhere to the principles of mutual respect, constructive communication, and professional conduct throughout the credentialing course. I acknowledge that my participation in the coursework involves active weekly engagement in conversations and activities within forum posts.

By agreeing to this statement, I commit to contributing positively to the Fundamentals of Teaching Adult Learners Credential Course (Part II), sharing my insights, and respecting the perspectives and contributions of others with a readiness to support a collaborative and inclusive learning environment.

I am committing to beginning the Fundamentals of Teaching Adult Learners Credential Course (Part II) on April 7, 2025 and to completing all required coursework on time each week. I am also committing to completing the Adult Learner Fundamentals Credential (Part II) by June 15, 2025. *
I understand that if I do not complete the Adult Learner Fundamentals Credential (Part II) and coursework by June 15, 2025, enrollment eligibility in the CCR credentialing courses may be temporarily suspended for my school. Daniel Loges, the Professional Development Director, will discuss options with my Title II Director before a final decision is made.
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