2nd USAJPA Speed Run Puzzle Entry Form
For more information on the 2024 Speed Puzzle, check out http://usajigsaw.org/speed-puzzle/
For details on the puzzle, go to: Cobble Hill - Rainbow Cats
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Adresă de e-mail *
Team Name OR First & Last Name (Individuals)
Enter the same spelling, spacing, format, etc. each time for easier comparison.
Unique ID - Enter Team Name OR for Individuals:
  • If a  USAJPA member enter Individual's 8-digit MP ID on membership card.
  • If not a USAJPA member, enter your first, last initials and birthdate (example SC122522).
When did you complete your Speed Run? *
What time did you start your Speed Run?
Which attempt number was this? 
(Enter as 3 digits, such as 001, 002, etc.)
How many members are on your Team?
Time taken to complete the puzzle (HH:MM:SS)
Team Members *
Please list your team members' names for sake of verification, only. This will not be shown on the leaderboard. For individuals, please enter your First & Last Name.
Time-Lapse Video Format *
Verified attempts: A time-lapse video is required for verification purposes and for top puzzler prizes. Puzzle and timer must be visible at all times. For multiple attempts, video must include confirmation that pieces have been completely disassembled and shaken in the box for at least 5 seconds. A video link OR upload is acceptable; you do not need to include both. Note that video will be kept private unless you indicate that it can be shared on the leaderboard. 

Unverified attempts: If you do not include a video for an attempt, that attempt will remain as 'Unverified' and will be ineligible for prizes. 
Time-Lapse Video
Tips for video sharing - Upload to YouTube and share as Public or Unlisted (Private) or save in Google Photos and paste the link below. Use a URL shortener like Bitly to shorten the link since to publicly share your video on the leaderboard, it must be under 41 characters.
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