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General Indemnity


Whilst every care has been taken by La Cotte Farm to ensure the safety of guests and their possessions whilst enjoying our accommodation, La Cotte farm and the owners do not accept any liability if any loss or damage to persons or property is experienced by a guest and their visitors.

It includes any loss of/damage to personal effects/property, any indirect, consequential or special loss/damage, financial loss, illness, injury, harm (As defined in the CPA) or death howsoever caused & legal costs (attorney & own client scale) that the Indemnified Parties may incur.


Right of Admission Reserved


La Cotte Farm always reserves the full right of admission and accepts no liability for any loss or damage that may result from the legal and reasonable exercising of such rights.


Swimming Pools


Any guests or their visitors using the swimming pools and surrounding

areas are utilizing such facilities entirely at their own risk and that they are

fully aware that there are no lifesaving facilities of any nature provided and

therefore, indemnify La Cotte Farm and the owners of this facility in full and

shall have no claim of whatsoever nature against the La Cotte Farm and the

owners including any claim from any injury/ bodily harm/death and or/loss

of property that could arise from the use of this facility. Strictly no diving.


Loss or Damage to La Cotte


Should La Cotte Farm suffer any loss or damage because of an act or omission by a guest or visitor of a guest, the guest will remain liable for full reimbursement of such loss or damage incurred and will be billed accordingly.


Terms and Conditions


By signing this indemnity form I state that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of La Cotte and that I am aware that the Terms and Conditions are to be read in conjunction with the Indemnity form.



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