Warren St NE Traffic Calming
Do you live on Warren St NE, Locust St, or Trotti St?The Transportation Committee of the Kirkwood Neighborhood Organization wants to hear from you!

The Transportation Committee gathers feedback from residents on transportation issues in the neighborhood and shares those concerns with City of Atlanta officials who then implement improvements. These improvements may include elements such as stop signs, traffic calming, sidewalks, crosswalks, and other infrastructure. 

Warren St NE (between Hosea Williams Drive and Trotti St) was identified as a safety concern because of speeding motorists leveraging the stretch as a cut through (now being the only connecting street to DeKalb Ave without stop signs or speed tables). We anticipate increased speeding and congestion when the street reopens. Please share your thoughts on what would make this street safer.   
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Portion of Warren St NE in question highlighted below
Captionless Image
First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address or Phone Number
Please provide the the best method of contact
Street Address (House number and street only) *
Example: 1234 Alder Ct SE
Please rank your level of concern with the following issues:
Not Concerned
Mildly Concerned
Very Concerned
Extremely Concerned
Lack of visibility for drivers making turns
Cut through traffic
Excessive speeding
Are you in favor of any of the following potential changes for this section of Warren St NE? *
Yes, With conditions (explain below)
Add a stop sign at Hallman St intersection to make this an all-direction stop
Traffic calming such as speed tables
Additional suggestion
Please use this space to explain any "yes, with conditions" answers you gave above:
Do you have other recommendations to improve the areas of concern?
Are you willing to help share this survey with neighbors on this section of Warren St NE who have not completed the survey yet? *
Would you be interested in joining our group to help improve the safety of this area? If yes, please also provide your email or phone number above. *
If you responded yes to helping share the survey or joining the committee, please enter your email address below and we will follow up. 
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