Calvary Children's Faith Formation  
Classes meet on Sunday from 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM beginning on Sept 24th 2023.

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Class Descriptions

Level I The Good Shepherd Ages 3-6 (Pre-K-Kindergarten)

 The theme for this level is the Good Shepherd who loves his sheep and gives everything for them. The child is introduced to Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and discovers who the sheep are. The enjoyment of the gift of God’s own self to the child is the foundation of further religious insight and moral development. This Level could be characterized as a “time of joy and wonder” in the lives of the children.

Level II The True Vine Ages 6-9 (1st-3rd grade)

The overall theme for these years is the image of Christ as the True Vine, focusing on both relationship and responsibility. The History of the Kingdom of God is an important framework for introducing and illustrating God’s work and planning on behalf of humanity. As the children begin to discover the vast cosmic history of God’s plan of salvation, they begin to realize that they have something to contribute to it. Moral sensitivity/awareness begins here and grows as the work is presented.

Level III  Joyful Journey Ages 10-12 (4th-6th grade)

This level incorporates creative, developmentally appropriate lessons organized in the categories of Self, Society, and Spirituality. Bible study, prayer, service projects, activities, reflection, and discussion are part of the weekly lessons.

Level IV Faith Foundations Ages 12+ (7th - 9th grade)

Faith Foundations provides an introduction to the Old and New Testament, a brief history of Christianity and an overview of Episcopal beliefs and practices those who want to know more about the essentials of the faith. Students will engage in thought-provoking discussions, prayer, and bible study.

Child's First Name
Child's Last Name
Child's Preferred Name
Date of Birth *
Parent/Guardian #1 Name
Parent/Guardian #1
 Email address
Parent/Guardian #1 Cell #
Parent/Guardian #2 Name
Parent/Guardian #2
 Email address
Parent/Guardian #2 Cell #
Home address *
Emergency Contact Name
Emergency Contact Cell #
Level *
Does your child have any allergies? If so, please list below along with severity of the allergy (i.e. what happens if exposed to allergen, and what volunteers/church staff should do in the event of an allergic reaction).  *
Does your child have any special needs, medical conditions, and/or disabilities (such as attention and/or learning differences)? If so, how can we engage and support your child? 

Is there anything else that we should know about your child that would help us ensure they have a positive and meaningful experience at Calvary?

Permission to use child(ren's) photos for website/bulletins/bulletin boards? *
Parent Volunteer Opportunities: Please check all that you might be interested in. 
Would you like to register another child?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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