Tell Me About Yourself!!  
Learning More About You So I Can Serve You Better
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Hi!  I am Rebecca Miller, Your BODi Affiliate, and I am ready to help you with your health and fitness goals!  Tell me more about yourself so I can better serve you!  I can't wait to hear from you and work together!!
Name *
Email Address *
What is your biggest struggle when it comes to your health and fitness goals? *
What other things have you tried in the past? *
Why do you think those things were unsuccessful? *
What is your ultimate goal when it comes to your health and fitness? *
What interests you in joining this bootcamp? *
Why is now the right time for you to commit to this change? *
I take careful consideration in cultivating a supportive and engaged community in my bootcamps, to ensure they are a safe and supportive space for all members. What energy will you bring to the group should you be invited to join us? *
Which package are you committing to the bootcamp with? *
Anything else you'd like me to know? *
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