Returning Student Registration - CCD
Welcome back to the Religious Education Program at St. Catharine Church!
This form is to be used for returning students registering for CCD (attended our CCD program last year).  This applies to any program (Summer, Monday, Sunday, 7th, 8th or 9th grade).
Please enter the best email address that will be used for all communications from Religious Education.

Fees are for all CCD programs grades 1 - 9.*
1 Child: $125
2 Children: $250
3 or more Children: $340

Teacher Discounts!
Monday Teachers: Pay $50/school year
Sunday Teachers: $50 registration refund at the end of the school year.

Please note: Sacrament fees are separate and will be sent out with sacrament registration later in the year (Confirmation, First Penance and Communion).

*If there is any difficulty paying this fee, please call our office, 201-444-5690.

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E-mail *
Family Last Name *
Has their been any change to contact information since last year? *
Please enter any changes to contact information here:
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