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Phone Time Assessment
You must watch the floor time class and pass this assessment before signing up.
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* Indicates required question
Name (first and last)
Your answer
Your answer
What does SWOT stand for?
1 point
Shake, Walk, Offer, Take
Shake, What (are you here to talk about?) Offer, Take (them to a conference room)
Shake, What, Offer, Talk
What if a person walks in with something you CANT handle?
1 point
Let them know we will get the right person to reach out to them as soon as possible
Once they have left, ask the director of operations who would be best to send the lead data to
Send them somewhere else
Write the information down
Ask them if there is anything else they would like to talk about
Let them know you will pass it to the right department
Ask a ton of questions
What if a person walks in with something you CAN handle?
1 point
Find out their timeline
Ask them if they are working with another real estate agent
Ask if they are prequalified or purchasing with cash
Identify who is looking
What are the steps to take when someone calls in?
1 point
So you are looking to buy a house?
So what is your timeline?
Are you prequalified with a lender or are you purchasing with cash?
Are you working with a real estate agent?
Bring them in for a consultation
If a person says they are not working with a real estate agent how should you respond?
1 point
Your answer
What is the point of phone time?
1 point
To get leads
To set up consultations
To get buyers and sellers
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When can you sign up for phone time?
1 point
The 15th at noon
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How do you sign up for phone time?
1 point
Email the front desk
call the front desk
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How many slots can you sign up for per month?
1 point
There is no limit
Clear selection
Should you be present in the building for your allotted time?
1 point
Yes you need to be present
No you don't have to be in the building
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