Phone Time Assessment
You must watch the floor time class and pass this assessment before signing up.
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Name (first and last) *
Email *
What does SWOT stand for? *
1 point
What if a person walks in with something you CANT handle? *
1 point
What if a person walks in with something you CAN handle? *
1 point
What are the steps to take when someone calls in?
1 point
If a person says they are not working with a real estate agent how should you respond?
1 point
What is the point of phone time?
1 point
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When can you sign up for phone time?
1 point
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How do you sign up for phone time?
1 point
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How many slots can you sign up for per month?
1 point
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Should you be present in the building for your allotted time?
1 point
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