Request a Legacy of Leadership Scholarship
This donor-supported fund assists United Methodist Camp/Retreat Ministry leaders (staff and volunteers) in accessing training opportunities. Requests are received and processed on a rolling, as-needed basis. Recipients are limited to one scholarship every two (2) years.

Grants may be provided up to 100% of Tuition, or 50% of Room and Board and/or 50% of Travel.
Total not to exceed $700 for the National Gathering and $400 for other events.

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Email *
For which event are you requesting scholarship assistance? *
Full Name *
Mailing Address (Street, Box, City, State, Zip) *
Phone *
Which United Methodist Camp/Retreat Ministry are you connected to? (Please include state/location. Ex: "Camp Aldersgate, RI") *
Your role
Scholarship amount you are requesting
By checking the box below, I affirm that all of the provided information is accurate. If granted a scholarship, I agree to return a thank-you letter to Legacy of Leadership donors following the event I attend. *
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