Assalāmu 'alaikum warahmatullāhi wa barakātuh
📢Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid is pleased to announce:
For sisters 18+
Taught by qualified Aalimaat (female scholars)
A structured course for:
○ those who would like to refresh and increase their core Islāmic knowledge
○ those with a weak foundation in Islāmic Studies
○ those who are new to Islām.
A small weekly commitment which will inshā Allah give you a better understanding of Islām, rejuvenate your Islāmic knowledge and bring you closer to Allah!
All subjects are taught in English and Urdu
📖 All Subjects covered:
Every Tuesday
🕗 10am-12pm
🔸 Tafseer
🔸 Hadīth
🔸 Seerah
Every Thursday
🕗 10am-11.20am
🔸 Fiqh
🔸 Tajweed
Just Tuesday £120
Just Thursday £105
25% discount for those who enrol to both days: £170
Payment details will be given after the registration is closed.
To enrol or for more info please contact: 07401803267 (sisters only)
Please share to all those who may be interested.
Registration Deadline: Friday 26th May 2023
Induction Day: Tuesday 6th June
جزاكم الله خيرا