Walk This Way - Event Registration
Event Timing: February 19th to March 12th, 2021
Address: Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House, 800 East Broadway, Vancouver B.C.
Contact us at (604) 879-8208 or CMatlo@mpnh.org
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Full Name *
Email *
Emergency Contact and Phone Number (Optional)
Choose a Category *
Do you use a walking aid? *
Do you need a pedometer and distance tracking sheets? *
Home Address (if drop off needed)
Although walking and running is a low risk activity, you can still experience overexertion or injury if you have high health risks. According to the Government of Canada, you could be at an increased risk if you:

Have a high blood pressure
Have a heart disease
Have diabetes
Living with obesity
60+ years old

If you have any of the following health risks, please contact your doctor before starting a physical activity.

I have fully read, consent, and understand the information in which a participant will engage. I am physically capable of participating in this activity. I acknowledge that some personal information, such as my name, email, phone number, and distanced walked - that will be collected may be shared for the purpose of tracking the activity and determining the winners. I fully consent to sharing the information that I have released.
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$10 Donation (Optional)
As a registered charity, Mount Pleasant Neighbourhood House provides a place to call home for everyone from newcomers to longtime residents. Our affordable programs and services help participants make the most of life in East Vancouver, at every stage of life. If you would like to donate, please go to our website https://mpnh.org/donate/ or in person at the Neighbourhood House (please book an appointment, 604-879-8208).
Now What do I do?
Stay tuned for further instructions and helpful tips on how to successfully participate in the walking/ running challenge prior to the start date of Friday February 19th, 2021. Stay safe and healthy!
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