Empower Women in Tech Conference Speaker Application 

Welcome to Empower Women in Tech Conference 

 Thank you for considering speaking at our event!

Applications are currently open for all speaking opportunities. 

Please note if you submit an application for Community Empowerment,  we will be in touch to request some more information from you as part of this process. 

We can't wait to read your application! 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Job Title  *
Company  *
Website URL 
Phone Number *
Please provide any social media accounts/links you feel would be useful to support this application (1000 characters max) 
Please provide a short biography which demonstrates your experience, purpose and relevance to our audience  (1000 characters max) 
Why would you like to be part of this event?  (1000 characters max) 
Please provide a brief synopsis of your talk/presentation and why you feel it is relevant?  (1000 characters max) 
Have you delivered this talk previously?  *
If yes, please provide links to any footage, commentary or other supporting content  (1000 characters max) 
Please indicate which type of conference speaker activity you would like to participate in? *
What would be your preferred audience size? *
Please choose which of our themes you feel most closely align with you and what you would like to share
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