DIY Get Together Ideas
Please add any ideas to the form, so that we can build a bank of topics/ themes/ questions that are of interest.  

We are hoping to develop the sessions to build community and have a place where we can come together from time to time.

Senior Teachers:  
The idea is there would be a short presentation (this could be in the form of a talk/ experiential exploration of some aspect of yoga/ or more reflective exercise) from senior teachers, drawing on their experience of practice over many years.  
Followed by a Q&A (on the topic presented & also any other questions that are arising in relation to practice, teaching etc)
General Membership skill/ knowledge share:
If there is appetite then it is envisaged that members would be invited to make short presentation e.g. 5 mins?) on a area that they have some experience, a level or expertise or a great interest.  

Please be aware that your answers & suggestions will be shared with teachers so if there is a very particular, or confidential issue, it may be better to address this to your teacher in a less public forum.


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Please add questions that you would like addressed at DIY Get Togethers:  add as many as you like.  These can range from practice questions to, philosophy, pranayama, teaching questions etc.
Topic or themes  that you would like addressed at DIY Get Together:
Topic or theme that you (not necessarily teacher/ senior teachers)  might be able to give a short presentation on - this could be any area for expertise  that might be relevant to the community.
Any ideas/ suggestions on content or format for future sessions?
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