90 Day Content Plan
It's time to save you time! Our content plans transcend the ordinary; they're your strategic, results-focused, audience-centric roadmap to success.
Please answer the following questions so we can get your content plan to you within the next 5 business days!
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Your First and Last Name
Email Address
What are your business social media handles?
What is your business name? and website
Do you have a specific location that you provide your services? Please list your Country, Town/ Suburb or if you are Virtual
Who is your ideal client? Age, Gender, Location, Demographic, Industry, location ? please be as specific as possible
What solutions do you provide to your ideal client? What problems do you solve?
What makes your business different?
What sort of offers, products, services or freebies do you promote?
Do you have anything coming up in the next 90 days for your business? such as launches, dates of interest such as business or staff birthdays, product releases...
Anything else you would like to share?
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