Photography Questions
Creative Club 2022 - Questionnaire for members interested in Photography.
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Identify the equipment you anticipate using for our photography workshop. (more than one answer can apply)
Please provide more details on your equipment (model of smartphone or DSLR or other, how many or which interchangeable lenses do you have, do you have a tripod, etc.)
What type of subjects do you want to shoot? (again, more than one can apply)
Are you interested in learning about other art forms where you can incorporate your images? (eg. collage, encaustic, photo transfer techniques, etc.)
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Rate your level of skills today with photography on a scale of 1 to 10.
I can point and shoot my phone and that's about it
I feel competent in using my equipment and processing photos. I may be able to help others.
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Post processing (editing) your photographs is an important skill to produce award winning images.  This can be as simple as using the tools on your smartphone (or other apps) to advanced photoshop editing.  Rate your comfort level with editing your photos on a scale of 1 to 10.
I have never edited a photo after it's taken, just share it as is.
I have good photo editing skills and am comfortable with Photoshop or Lightroom (or similar software)
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Share any other comments, requests or suggestions here.
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