Calling all UK Model 3 and i3 owners
Can you help us test a new product to save more carbon and further reduce your home charging costs?

The Customer research team at Kaluza ( is looking for people who own BMW i3 and Tesla Model 3 vehicles, to hear about their experiences and to try something new.

All the information you provide is kept confidential. We only use it to help us find suitable participants for our research studies. We will only contact you if we want to invite you to participate in a study or need to clarify the information you provided.

If you need any other info, feel free to reach out at
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
メールアドレス *
Select your vehicle make *
How did you purchase your EV? *
How do you charge your EV? *
Select as many as appropriate
What's your energy tariff type? *
Do you have energy micro-generation at home? *
E.g. solar panels, wind turbine, or other
Google フォームでパスワードを送信しないでください。
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