Local Ambassador Application 2023/24
STASHH are recruiting local ambassadors (medical student and pre-specialty reps), commencing in August 23.

Read the role descriptions here:

Applicants should have a keen interest in sexual health and HIV medicine, and perhaps be considering a career in this field. Medical student applicants should not be expecting to complete their medical degree in the next six months. Trainee applicants will be at the stage of pre-speciality training, to include Foundation and Internal Medical Training.

Each application consists of brief questions about who you are and where you are in your studies or training followed by a brief 150 word statement about why you're applying.

Available posts: [as of 27/10]
Medical Students:
Anglia Ruskin University School of Medicine
Aston University
Barts and The London / Queen Mary
Brighton and Sussex
Universty of Cambridge
Cardiff University
Edge Hill University
Kent and Medway
King's College London GKT
University of Leicester
University of Nottingham
University of Oxford
Plymouth University
Queen's University Belfast
University of Southampton
University of St Andrews
University of Sunderland
Hull York Medical School 
University of Central Lancashire
Brunel University London
Ulster University

Belfast, NI
Northern, NI
South Eastern, NI
Western, NI
East, Scotland
North, Scotland
South-East, Scotland
North, Wales
South Mid, Wales
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