IOHA Community App Interest Survey
Hello All - It's important to us that we survey our audience as any success we have is based on the audience choosing us. Choosing to watch our videos, comment, share, and like our content.If you follow us on multiple social channels, you'll notice we have refrained from the "paid subscriber" path on every platform- opting rather to hold until we could build our own community that provides a true benefit and real value to our members.  

Well friends, the time is now. We are ready to build! We have some pretty exciting ideas on what we want to create but we really want to hear from you before we start architecting the community and the mobile app.

Please take a moment to help us shape the future of what our online community and mobile app will become by completing the survey below. We are so grateful to all our followers and subscribers wherever you watch us. Whether you become a paid member or remain one of our social media followers, we'll keep producing quality content and be grateful for any support you offer! 
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Introduction to Anatomy Interest: How did you first become interested in human anatomy? (Short answer)
Primary Interest in Anatomy: What primarily draws you to learn about human anatomy? (Select one)
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Educational Background: Are you currently or have you previously been enrolled in any medical, health-related, or fitness education programs? (Yes/No) If yes, please specify. (Short answer)

Professional Application: How do you apply or plan to apply your knowledge of human anatomy in your professional life? (Select one)

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Challenges in Learning Anatomy: What is the biggest challenge you face when learning about human anatomy? (Short answer)

Interest in Specialized Topics: Are there specific areas of human anatomy or health you are particularly interested in? (Short answer)

Willingness to Invest in Learning: Would you be willing to invest in a premium offering that provides in-depth content, exclusive access to experts, or personalized learning experiences in the field of human anatomy? (Yes/No) If so, how much? (Short answer)

Feedback and Suggestions: What would you like to see more of in our offerings that would enhance your learning experience or professional development in human anatomy? (Short answer)

Value Proposition Perception: What do you find most valuable about our content compared to other anatomy or health-related content available? (Short answer)

Preferred Topics and Areas of Interest: Which topics or areas within human anatomy and physiology are you most drawn to or find most compelling? (Select all that apply)

Engagement with Content: What motivates you to watch our content? (Select all that apply)

Impact of Content: How has our content impacted your understanding or interest in human anatomy and health? (Short answer)

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