Lab NSP Benefit and Scheduling Survey
This survey is aiming to ensure efficient and effective organization and management of the Labrador Ski Patrol. Thank you for your prompt reply! If you have any questions, please contact Helena at

DUE DATE: September 15, 2022 - This will allow me to work with a draft and address any questions before refresher in October!
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Are you planning on patrolling at Labrador during the 2022-2023 season?  This means maintaining your shift assignment. ***Note: College Students, Military Exemption, or a one year inactive status is available (click link below for options). In all cases your dues need to be paid and your OEC refreshers as well as any instructor certifications kept current. Students are encouraged to patrol during breaks/holidays.  In all cases the Assistant Director (Helena Baert) needs to be notified in writing via email ( *
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