OEM Business Proposal
Thank for your interest in being a Volumio OEM partner! Please fill out the form with all the necessary and detailed information about your company, products and your reason to partner with us. Due to the amount of requests and the review process of each application, we will do our best to get back to you in the next 3 to 5 business days on the email you provide in this form.
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Email *
Website Link *
Name of company *
Name of Contact (name and surname)
Typology (e.g., streamer, analog streamer, amp streamer) *
General Description of Products (e.g., number of inputs/outputs, display) *
Estimated Yearly Production Units *
Do you have an internal development team or would you request technical work on the software? *
Are you currently using or have you used in the past a streaming module (such as LinkPlay, Converse Digital or Stream Unlimited)? If yes, which one?
Message *
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