Module 12b - Programme Planning
Check Your Knowledge for Module 12b (Programme Planning) - please complete this quiz in advance of the live session.

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Which of these make up the Scout Values? (Select 5) *
Which of these best describes providing 'skills for life'? *
Sort the quality programme criteria below into the appropriate heading. All programmes should... *
Skills for life
provide challenge and adventure for young people
be fun and enjoyable
be safe, rewarding and varied
be inclusive and accessible
be shaped by young people in partnership with adults
give young people an opportunity to learn, develop and share ideas
give young people the opportunity to develop a better understanding of their community and the world around them
give young people the opportunity to gain life skills and confidence, to develop self-esteem and to understand relationships
List at least 3 ways you could generate programme ideas: *
How many Activity Badges are available to Scouts (excluding Staged badges)? *
How can you include young people in developing a programme? *
On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in coming up with exciting programme ideas which meet the quality programme criteria?
Not at all confident
Very confident
What is the best way to ensure a programme is balanced and meets the quality programme criteria? *
How important is it that all our activities are safe, age-appropriate and inclusive? *
How often should you review your programme? *
When communicating your programme... what do you need to tell parents? What do you need to tell leaders? *
On a scale of 1 to 5, how confident do you feel in reviewing a programme and adapting it to ensure it's quality? *
Not at all confident
Very confident
Generally, where can you find advice on programme planning? *
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